Science is about the reproducibility of research results and being able to replicate the work of others to validate, question, and improve on their findings to arrive at new verifiable conclusions, formulate models, test hypotheses, and establish new theories based on solid empirical validation. Much of Computer Graphics focuses on methods for creating, shaping, and bringing visual content to life. To advance the discipline, our Journal has teamed with the Graphics Replicability Stamp Initiative 1 and the Software Impacts Journal 2 to promote the dissemination and reproducibility of research findings through peer-verified results and software. Papers that have been accepted for publication in our Journal can be awarded a Replicability Badge. To this end, Authors need to provide a complete implementation of their algorithm, so that the results presented in their paper can be reproduced independently by volunteers. To this date, several papers [9-16] have received the Graphics Replicability Stamp while others are in press at the time of this writing [17] . Each of these papers is recognized by having a special GRSI Badge Associated with its entry in ScienceDirect. Additionally, authors can submit their software to the Software Impacts Journal for additional dissemination and validation. To further promote the dissemination of verifiable results, I am pleased to announce that the Computers and Graphics Journal is offering an Annual Best Paper Award bestowed on a paper published on the previous year that features both the Graphics Replicability Badge and has had its code published in the Software Impacts Journal. The winning entries will be selected by the Journal Editorial Board. The Computers and Graphics Best (Replicable) Paper Award includes a monetary stipend of 10 0 0 Eur.