2؉sensitivity of the myofilament.It is suggested that Ser-43/Ser-45 and Ser-23/Ser-24 in cardiac TnI are important for normal Ca 2؉ sensitivity of the myofilament, and that phosphorylation of Ser-43/ Ser-45 and Ser-23/Ser-24 is primarily involved in the protein kinase C regulation of the activity and Ca 2؉ sensitivity, respectively, of actomyosin S-1 MgATPase.In cardiac myocytes, the activation of several types of receptors, such as ␣ 1 -adrenergic (1-5), muscarinic (1, 6), and purinergic (6) dynorphin A (7), endothelin-1 (8, 9), and angiotensin (14 -18). However, the complex molecular events mediated by PKC (or more precisely, by the individual isozymes) that are responsible for cardiac contractility regulation, for example, remain largely unclear. It has been reported that phenylephrine (␣ 1 -adrenergic receptor agonist) elicited transient negative inotropy followed by sustained positive inotropy (3, 19 -21), endothelin-1 caused monotonic positive inotropy (22), whereas dynorphin A (-opioid receptor agonist) induced negative inotropy (7). All three of these distinct receptor agonists are believed to act, at least in part, through PKC activation. Furthermore, phorbol esters (such as TPA), potent and long-acting PKC activators, produced predominantly negative inotropic effects in various cardiac preparations (23-27). These seemingly paradoxical observations might reflect certain opposing factors of PKC activation which include the net effects of intracellular pH change, the size of intracellular Ca 2ϩ transient, and the states and species of cellular proteins being phosphorylated.One target for PKC in the heart is the contractile apparatus itself. Cardiac TnI and TnT from the thin filament have been shown to be effective substrates for PKC (28), and some of the phosphorylation sites in these proteins have been determined (29,30). Phosphorylation of TnI and/or TnT by PKC resulted in an inhibition of Ca 2ϩ -stimulated MgATPase of the reconstituted actomyosin complex (31-33) or in native myofibril preparations (32, 34), an effect associated with altered interactions among the contractile protein components (32,33). PKC also phosphorylated MLC2 (34 -36) and C-protein (34 -36) in myofibrillar and thick filament preparations. Phosphorylation of