Background: With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a discernible amplification of inherent vulnerabilities in the global population, with the most susceptible segments exemplified by the Homeless Population experiencing exacerbated adverse impacts.. This study aims to analyze the intersection of vulnerabilities among homeless populations aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Method: This is a parallel convergent mixed methods study, incorporating a cross-sectional quantitative study and a qualitative study. A survey-type questionnaire was employed in the quantitative approach, analyzed using descriptive and inferential techniques, and a semi-structured interview in the qualitative aspect, with interviews analyzed using Minayo's thematic analysis methodology.
Results: Significant associations were identified between the vulnerabilities faced by the homeless population, which were further compounded with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. This period witnessed a critical intersection of these vulnerabilities, resulting in an even deeper social destabilization for this group.
Conclusions: Individuals experiencing homelessness confront a complex accumulation of intertwined inequalities, intensifying their social vulnerability. This scenario underscores the intersection of vulnerabilities within this group and emphasizes the urgent need for an integrated approach to understand their health and the pandemic's impact on these individuals.