Collaborative networks enterprises based on trust and cooperation, in wich the interdependence between organizations. However, join a network is a challenge because it involves an open relationship with other business. This study aims to identify the likely constraints on performance in enterprise networks in the clothing industry in Boa Vista. We analyzed the influence of trust, the motivating factors and inhibitors, and became a social network analysis, to identify through the degree of centrality, and the position of each company relation to others, if the formation of effective networks between the companies studied. This descriptive, cross, with the method used, whose data were analyzed with the software UNICET 6289 and Pajek 1.19. As a result, we identified the possibility of formation of three business networks. The main activities to be shared are: transportation, purchase of supplies and technical assistance. As to information are shareable: the cost of raw materials, supply sources and technologies. It was also noted that among the main objectives common to the formation of business networks are to exert greater influence on the. Moreover, the possible groups of companies in the sector, would require different forms of management and individuals dependent on relational structures of each group of companies.