Relevance. Higher education is designed to transfer to the student the knowledge, skills, and abilities in a particular field, promote the formation of humanistic values, broaden the student’s horizons, develop his/her ability to make creative solutions, and practice self-study. Professional training of future biology teachers shifts the focus to upbringing, developmental functions of education, the formation of a future teacher's personality, his/her holistic spiritual and moral development, high psychological stability, and readiness for the profession.
Purpose. The study aimed to develop and substantiate the professional training of future teachers when studying pedagogical, methodological, and natural disciplines in pedagogical universities to promote the development of cognitive and professional interest of graduates, the formation of deep and persisting knowledge, and activate their professional self-determination.
Methodology. We have identified the main directions for the formation of professional qualities of students in the upbringing and training process and during production practice (visits to the best schools; conducting lectures, practical and laboratory classes with the elements of profiling; the use of professional literature, elective courses, etc.).
Results. Professional training of future biology teachers allows the subject of activity to reach the level that is legally required and sufficient for pedagogical activity.
Conclusions. A 21st-century teacher should possess the following qualities: reflectivity in thinking and practical activity; tolerance; affection, love, tenderness; interest in technology and digital information; global awareness.