We present an infinite series of autonomous discrete equations on the square lattice possessing hierarchies of autonomous generalized symmetries and conservation laws in both directions. Their orders in both directions are equal to κN , where κ is an arbitrary natural number and N is equation number in the series. Such a structure of hierarchies is new for discrete equations in the case N > 2.Symmetries and conservation laws are constructed by means of the master symmetries. Those master symmetries are found in a direct way together with generalized symmetries. Such construction scheme seems to be new in the case of conservation laws. One more new point is that, in one of directions, we introduce the master symmetry time into coefficients of discrete equations.In most interesting case N = 2 we show that a second order generalized symmetry is closely related to a relativistic Toda type integrable equation. As far as we know, this property is very rare in the case of autonomous discrete equations.