We aim at formulating a higher-spin gravity theory around AdS 2 relevant for holography. As a first step, we investigate its kinematics by identifying the low-dimensional cousins of the standard higher-dimensional structures in higher-spin gravity such as the singleton, the higher-spin symmetry algebra, the higher-rank gauge and matter fields, etc. In particular, the higher-spin algebra is given here by hs[λ] and parameterized by a real parameter λ. The singleton is defined to be a Verma module of the AdS 2 isometry subalgebra so(2, 1) ⊂ hs[λ] with conformal weight ∆ = 1±λ2 . On the one hand, the spectrum of local modes is determined by the Flato-Fronsdal theorem for the tensor product of two such singletons. It is given by an infinite tower of massive scalar fields in AdS 2 with ascending masses expressed in terms of λ. On the other hand, the higher-spin fields arising through the gauging of hs[λ] algebra do not propagate local degrees of freedom. Our analysis of the spectrum suggests that AdS 2 higher-spin gravity is a theory of an infinite collection of massive scalars with fine-tuned masses, interacting with infinitely many topological gauge fields. Finally, we discuss the holographic CFT 1 duals of the kinematical structures identified in the bulk.