Daylength, or photoperiod, is perceived as a seasonal signal for the control of flowering of many plants. The measurement of daylength is thought to be mediated through the interaction of phototransduction pathways with a circadian rhythm, so that flowering is induced (in long-day plants) or repressed (in short-day plants) when light coincides with a sensitive phase of the circadian cycle. To test this hypothesis in the facultative long-day plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, we used varying, non-24-hr light͞dark cycles to alter the timing of circadian rhythms of gene expression relative to dawn and dusk. Effects on circadian rhythms were correlated with those on flowering times. We show that conditions that displaced subjective night events, such as expression of the flowering time regulator CONSTANS into the light portion of the cycle, were perceived as longer days. This work demonstrates that the perception of daylength in Arabidopsis relies on adjustments of the phase angle of circadian rhythms relative to the light͞dark cycle, rather than on the measurement of the absolute duration of light and darkness.T he sexual reproduction of many plants and animals occurs on a seasonal basis and is triggered by changes in daylength, or photoperiod. In plants, floral responses to photoperiod vary widely between species and have been classified into three broad categories. Short-day plants are induced to flower when the photoperiod is shorter than a critical daylength, whereas longday plants flower under photoperiods that are longer than their critical daylength; day-neutral plants are insensitive to photoperiod.Measurement of day-or night-length could, in theory, be performed by an hourglass-type of timer, measuring time from either dawn or dusk, or even the relative amounts of light and darkness. For example, flowering of cocklebur (Xanthium) is essentially determined by the absolute duration of darkness (1, 2), and induction of diapause in the aphid Megoura viciae relies on measuring time from dusk (3). However, the total duration of light or darkness was not the critical factor determining the response in other plant and animal species. For example, when Japanese morning glory (Ipomea nil, also described as Pharbitis nil) were transferred to extended nights, appropriately timed night breaks mimicked the effects of long days and inhibited flowering (4). Remarkably, sensitivity to night breaks varied with a 24-hr period. Gonadal development in birds and induction of diapause in insects also exhibited rhythmic responsiveness to short light signals in constant darkness (3, 5).These and other similar findings (reviewed in ref.2) suggested that photoperiodic time measurement may involve a circadian rhythm of responsiveness to light, known as the photoperiodic response rhythm (6). Two possible mechanisms have been proposed, by which a circadian clock might mediate perception of photoperiod (7). According to the external coincidence model, a photoperiodic response may be induced when an external signal (light) coincides with a pho...