The efficient design of safety-critical embedded systems involves, at least, the three modelling aspects common to all cyber-physical systems (CPSs): functionalities, physics and architectures. Existing modelling formalisms cannot provide strong support to take all of these three dimensions into account uniformly, e.g., AADL is a precise formalism for modelling architecture and prototyping hardware platforms, but it is weak for modelling physical and software behaviours and their interaction. By contrast, Simulink/Stateflow is strong for modelling physical and software behaviour and their interaction, but weak for modelling architecture and hardware platforms. To address this issue, we consider the combination of AADL and Simulink/Stateflow, two widely used graphical modelling formalisms for CPS design in industry. This combination provides a unified graphical co-modelling formalism supporting the design of CPSs from all three software, hardware and physics perspectives uniformly. This paper focuses on the required concepts to combine them together, and outlines how to verify and simulate a system model defined using the combined graphical views of its constituents, by considering the case study of an Isollete System.