Anaerobic cytochrome c 5 5 2 was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity by ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration from a mutant of Escherichiu coli K 12 that synthesizes an increased amount of this pigment. Several molecular and enzymatic properties of the cytochrome were investigated. Its relative molecular mass was determined to be 69000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It was found to be an acidic protein that existed in the monomeric form in the native state. From its heme and iron contents, it was concluded to be a hexaheme protein containing six moles of heme c/mole protein. The amino-acid composition and other properties of the purified cytochrome c 5 5 2 indicated its similarity to Desulfbvibrio desulfuricans hexaheme cytochrome. The cytochrome ~5 5 2 showed nitrite and hydroxylamine reductase activities with benzyl viologen a s an artificial electron donor. It catalyzed the reduction of nitrite to ammonia in a six-electron transfer. FMN and FAD also served as electron donors for the nitrite reduction. The apparent Michaelis constants for nitrite and hydroxylamine were 110 pM and 18 mM, respectively. The nitrite reductase activity of the cytochrome cSs2 was inhibited effectively by cupric ion and cyanide.A soluble c-type cytochrome, cytochrome ( ' 5 5 2 is synthesized in Escherichiu coli and some other Enterobacteriacede when they are grown anaerobically [I, 21. Biosynthesis of this cytochrome is repressed by molecular oxygen and stimulated anaerobically by the presence of nitrate or nitrite in the medium [ 3 , 41. In E. coli K12, this synthesis is under the control of an activator protein encoded by the j n r gene, which is necessary for the induced synthesis of a number of components in the anaerobic respiratory systems, including nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, fumarate reductase, and hydrogenase reported that reduced cytochrome c S s 2 from E. coli Yamaguchi is rapidly reoxidized by addition of nitrite. They found that cytochrome ~5 5 2 is located in the periplasinic space [8] and concluded that its in vivo function is reduction of toxic nitrite produced by nitrate respiration to ammonia at the cell surface 191. However, the protein-chemical properties of the cytochrome as a nitrite reductase have not been studied extensively.Abou-Jaoudt et al. [lo] proposed the possible involvement of cytochrome ~5 5 2 in the formate/nitrite reductase system in whole cells of E. coli K12. Energy conservation during formate-dependent reduction of nitrite by E. coli was demonstrated [I 1, 121. Moreover, from reconstitution experiments, Liu et al. 1131 suggested the role of cytochrome ~5 5 2 as a terminal nitrite reductase in NADH-dependent nitrite reduction. However, the exact physiological function ofcytochrome has not yet been elucidated.