Methyl-and silyl-cyclopropenyl radical charged systems are chosen to model the dissociative behavior of rigid and symmetric species. Dissociation of the radical cations in two fragments yields c-C 3 H 3 + and XH 3 • moieties (X ) C, Si), while, in the radical anions c-C 3 H 3 • and XH 3 -fragments are produced. CAS-MCSCF C s energy profiles show the presence of C-X bond cleavage saddle points in all four cases, separated from the resulting products by energy minima corresponding to electrostatic complexes. These features are retained in the coupled cluster C s energy profiles, obtained by series of single-point calculations on CAS-MCSCF geometries, optimized at fixed C-X distances. However, at this theory level, the radical cation reactions are significantly more endoergic.The methyl system has a less unfavorable reaction energy than the silyl (16 vs 20 kcal mol -1 ), and both saddle points prove to be slightly lower in energy than the dissociation limits (by ca. -4 and -2.5 kcal mol -1 , respectively). For the radical anions, a more pronounced endoergicity in the carbon case and a less unfavorable process for silicon are found (54 vs 39 kcal mol -1 ). Moreover, while the C s saddle point is lower in energy than the dissociation limit in the carbon case, it is higher for silicon (ca. -7 and +2 kcal mol -1 , respectively). It has to be pointed out, however, that even in the more endoergic radical anion fragmentations the process is easier than homolysis in the neutral parent molecules. The calculations carried out on C s radical anions show the possible occurrence, in rigid systems, of real surface crossings, which open in principle the possibility of obtaining excited fragment products. However, it is clear that for more flexible systems a deformation of the structure along the dissociation pathway could generate a conical intersection. In this case the radical anions could certainly follow a lower-energy C 1 pathway in correspondence of an avoided crossing and bypass the real crossing.