Dissociation of C, ions induced in 30 keV collisions with atomic and molecular gases has been studied. The pattern of negative-ion formation from C, precursors is found to be distinctly different from that obtained for positive-ion fragments from C& precursors in that the collision-induced dissociation spectrum in the former case is dominated by small negative clusters, presumably of linear geometry. Simple arguments utilizing the relationship of electrostatic properties of different molecular structures to their electron affinities and ionization energies have been invoked to rationalize these observations. The difference in the dissociation dynamics of C, and C& ions is discussed in terms of competition between different energy-coupling schemes involving either electronic degrees of freedom or nuclear (vibrational) degrees of freedom.There remains a paucity of experimental information on the energetics and dynamics of dissociation processes involving negatively-charged fullerene ions. We report here the results of measurements of the dissociation spectra obtained when C, ions undergo collisions, at an energy of 30keV, with atomic and molecular gases. The pattern of negatively-charged fragment ion formation from C, precursors is found to be distinctly different from the corresponding pattern obtained for positive-ion fragments from C& precursors. Whereas the latter experiments indicate that the fragmentation pattern is dominated by loss of C2 units, giving rise to a range of positively-charged, even-numbered fullerene ion peaks from C& to C&, as well as lower-mass, evenand odd-numbered fragments from C' to C&, our experiments with C, ions offer evidence that no negatively-charged fullerene ions are formed in the range C, to C; ; our fragmentation spectrum is dominated by low-mass negatively-charged ions in the range from C-to C;. Our results appear to indicate that fragmentation of C, is likely to be accompanied by simultaneous electron ejection. We discuss this difference in the dissociation patterns of negatively-and positively-charged C, in terms of the recentlydeveloped understanding of delayed ionization processes in large polyatomic molecules. Our results manifest the competition between two different energycoupling processes, involving electronic degrees of freedom on the one hand and nuclear (vibrational) degrees of freedom on the other.Ionization of small, isolated (gas-phase) molecules is well-known to be a 'prompt' process in the sense that in any photoionization or collisional ionization situation, once the molecular ionization energy is exceeded, the electron is ejected from the molecular charge cloud on a femtosecond timescale. Even for indirect ionization processes, such as initial collisional excitation to a doubly-excited electronic state lying in the ionization continuum and subsequent autoionization, the 'prompt' character of the overall electron ejection process continues to be maintained. However, ionization ' Author for correspondence. of very large molecular species need not always be 'pro...