Abstract--Hydroxy-Al-and hydroxy-Mg-montmoriltonite were prepared by treating dispersed Na-montmorillonite with aluminum and magnesium nitrate solutions and titrating with NaOH solutions so that the OH/A1 ratio varied from zero to 3.0 and the OH/Mg ratio from zero to 2.0. External precipitation of Al and Mg hydroxides was observed when the OH/M ratios (M = metal) approached 3 and 2, respectively. From chemical analyses of the initial Na-montmorillonite and the hydroxy-metal montmoritlonites, structural formulae were derived by assuming that the silicate layer compositions remained unchanged. Prior to the addition of NaOH, the average interlayer material approximated in composition to [AI(OH)2] § and [Mg(OH)] § With additions of NaOH the interlayer compositions moved progressively towards AI(OH)3 and Mg(OH)z. When the hydroxy interlayers approached completion, external precipitation was observed. X-ray powder diffraction data showed that the hydroxy-Mg products have less tendency to swell in ethylene glycol and water, and greater thermal stability than the hydroxy-Al products. Initially, when the average interlayer compositions were near AI(OH)~ and Mg(OH), swelling followed more nearly the normal behavior.