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Abstract:Second order rate constants have been determined for deuteroxide ion-catalyzed exchange of the C(3)-proton for deuterium, k DO (M -1 s -1 ), of a series of twenty triazolium salts in aqueous solution at 25 °C and ionic strength I = 1.0 (KCl). Evidence is presented that the rate constant for the reverse protonation of the triazol-3-ylidenes by solvent water is close to that for dielectric relaxation of solvent (10 11 s -1 ). This data enabled the calculation of carbon acid pK a values in the range 16.6-18.5 for the twenty triazolium salts. pD-rate profiles for deuterium exchange of the triazolium salts reveal that protonation at nitrogen to give dicationic triazolium species occurs under acidic conditions, with estimates of pK a N1 = -0.2-0.5.2