The crystallization kinetics of mullite formation in a diphasic precursor consisting of a silicone resin filled with commercial c-alumina nanoparticles (15 nm mean particle size, specific surface area of 100 m 2 /g), heated in air from 12501 to 13501C, was studied by X-ray diffraction. Transitional c-alumina and amorphous silica from the pyrolysis of the preceramic polymer exhibited a remarkable reactivity, as demonstrated by a very low incubation time (from 500 s at 12501C to 20 s at 13501C), a high mullite yield (about 80 vol%, after 100 s at 13501C), and a low activation energy for nucleation (677760 kJ/mol). The activation energy values found were lower than those reported previously for other diphasic systems, including sol-gel precursors. Besides the high specific surface of nanosized c-alumina particles, the low energy barrier could be attributed to the highly reactive silica deriving from the oxidation of Si-CH 3 bonds in the silicone and to the homogeneous dispersion of the nanosized filler inside the preceramic polymer. Furthermore, the possibility of applying plastic shaping processing methods to the mixture of a preceramic polymer and nanosized filler makes this approach particularly valuable, in comparison, for instance, with sol-gel based alternatives.