A method for quantitation of bisulfide in the aqueous phase reactions of H 2 S scavenging with MEA-triazine is proposed. The method is based on time-resolved in situ Raman spectroscopy, thus allowing in situ monitoring of the reactions. The method is applied to obtain the kinetic data of the reactions in batch configuration at room temperature for initial pH values of 9, 10, and 11 and MEA-triazine/bisulfide initial concentration ratios in the range of 0.5−10. The pH increases remarkably during the reactions, causing a substantial decrease in the rate of disappearance of bisulfide. If the system is reacidified, complete depletion of bisulfide can be achieved, evidencing the irreversibility of the scavenging reactions. The results are also supported by a qualitative analysis of the trends of the characteristic Raman peaks of MEA-triazine, dithiazine, and monoethanolamine. These trends are in line with the currently accepted reaction scheme, consisting of two scavenging reactions in series.