Pyrite is the most abundant metal sulfide in the Earth’s
crust and is also found on Mars. It can form by direct hydrothermal
precipitation or by polymorphic phase transformation from marcasite.
However, the control on the dynamics of hydrothermal pyrite precipitation
is poorly understood, and the kinetics of the hydrothermal transformation
from marcasite to pyrite is unknown. To address these issues, we quantified
pyrite and marcasite formation in hydrothermal fluids at pH 1, using
pyrrhotite as a precursor mineral to produce supersaturated solutions. In situ powder X-ray diffraction experiments at 190 °C
showed that hydrothermal fluids rich in ΣS(-II) (0.2 molal)
favored the precipitation of nanocrystal pyrite (∼20 nm) due
to a high saturation index (>105), while ΣS(-II)-free
fluids produced a mixture of marcasite and pyrite nanocrystals (21–46
nm) due to a low saturation index (<104). The fluid/rock
ratio (70 and 120 g/g at 210 °C) can also affect the saturation
indices of these fluids, influencing nucleation and crystal growth
dynamics of pyrite and marcasite and resulting in complex evolution
of crystallite size, phase abundance, and the pyrite/marcasite ratio. Ex situ hydrothermal experiments at 210 °C showed rapid
transformation from marcasite to pyrite, with around 95% marcasite
being transformed to pyrite in 20 weeks, compared to more than 6.3
million years at 210 °C under dry conditions based on extrapolation
from previous kinetic studies. These results suggest that saturation
index influences hydrothermal precipitation dynamics and controls
phase selection between pyrite and marcasite and that marcasite may
not survive over geological time in low-temperature (<200 °C),
water-saturated environments.