coefficients k
3 have been measured for Cl atom reactions with
CF2CF2, CFClCFCl, and CCl2CF2 relative to k
4 for CF2CF–CFCF2 at 293 ± 2 K. k
4 was remeasured
relative to Cl + ethane. Cl was generated by UV photolysis of Cl2, and other species were monitored by FT-IR spectroscopy.
The measurements yield k
1 = (6.6 ±
1.0) × 10–11, k
2 = (6.5 ± 1.0) × 10–11, and k
3 = (7.1 ± 1.1) × 10–11 cm3 molecule–1 s–1, respectively,
and k
4 = (8.0 ± 1.2) × 10–11 cm3 molecule–1 s–1 is proposed. These results are discussed in the context
of atmospheric chemistry. Subsequent chemistry in the presence of
oxygen leads to oxygenated products that are identified via their
IR spectra, and possible mechanisms are discussed. The yield of CF2O from C2F4 is 93 ± 7%. Dichlorofluoroacetyl
fluoride (CCl2FCFO) was observed as a product from CFClCFCl,
and chlorodifluoroacetyl chloride (CClF2CClO) was observed
from CCl2CF2 oxidation. C4F6 led to 66 ± 5% CF2O and 38 ± 3% OCF2CFC(F)O. Reaction enthalpies and enthalpy barriers computed
via CBS-QB3 theory help rule out some unfavorable mechanistic steps.