Pulsars emit low-frequency radio waves through to high-energy gamma-rays that are generated anywhere from the surface out to the edges of the magnetosphere. Detecting correlated mode changes in the multi-wavelength emission is therefore key to understanding the physical relationship between these emission sites. Through simultaneous observations, we have detected synchronous switching in the radio and X-ray emission properties of PSR B0943+10. When the pulsar is in a sustained radio 'bright' mode, the X-rays show only an un-pulsed, non-thermal component. Conversely, when the pulsar is in a radio 'quiet' mode, the X-ray luminosity more than doubles and a 100%-pulsed thermal component is observed along with the non-thermal component. This indicates rapid, global changes to the conditions in the magnetosphere, which challenge all proposed pulsar emission theories.
Main Text:Radio pulsars are powered by the energy released as the highly magnetized neutron star spins down. The radio pulses are generated in the pulsar magnetosphere, most probably close to the neutron star surface (1,2). Shortly after the discovery of pulsars, it was observed that the radio pulse behavior can discretely change on timescales as short as a rotation period. These changes in emission mode can manifest as switches between ordered and disordered states or variations in intensity and pulse shape, including the complete cessation of observable radio emission (3,4).Because the emitted radio luminosity is a negligible fraction of the available spin-down energy, usually substantially less than 10 -5 , this phenomenology was presumed to be related solely to microphysics of the radio emission mechanism itself. This perception has recently been challenged by the identification of a relationship between the spin properties of neutron stars and their radio emission modes. PSR B1931+24 was observed to cease emitting for tens of days, during which it spins down ~50% less rapidly (5). PSR J1841-0500 (6) and PSR J1832+0029 (7) exhibit similar behaviors. A number of other pulsars display smaller changes in spin-down rate, which correlate with variations in their average radio pulse shapes (8). The implication of these results is that mode changing is due to an inherent, perhaps universal pulsar process which causes a sudden change in the rate of angular momentum loss that is communicated along the open field lines of the magnetosphere. Whereas changes in spindown rate can only be detected on time-scales of a few days or longer, the recently identified link with the rapid switching observed in radio emission modes suggests a transformation of the global magnetospheric state in less than a rotation period. Despite the recent flurry of pulsar detections at high energies (9), the only causal relation between the radio pulses and emission at other wavelengths, likely emanating from different locations in the magnetosphere, has been made for optical emission and giant radio pulses from the Crab pulsar (10) PSR B0943+10 is a paragon of mode-changing pul...