The article substantiates the expediency of the transition of modern industry from a development model based on economic growth to a model built on the principles of the best available technologies (BAT), including the industries responsible for waste management. This is especially true for e-waste management, which is one of the fastest growing categories of waste. Today in Russia, as a transitional stage to the principles of BAT, integrated environmental permits (IEP) issued to enterprises by Russian Environment Ministry are used, which are a document that, in accordance with Art. 31.1 of Federal Law No. 7-FL of January 10, 2002, “is issued for a separate facility that has a negative impact on the environment” and contains a number of requirements and standards enshrined in clause 10 of Article 31.1. Nevertheless, this process is tepid, which is associated both with the lack of development of the issuance procedure itself, and with the non-compliance of the companies’ technological processes with the standards for permissible emissions and discharges. The article formulates the principles that must be observed while issuing an IEP. The procedure for issuing IEPs is considered, its main stages are analyzed. Differences from the similar order in European countries are revealed. The dynamics of issuing IEP for the period from 2019 to 2022, including in the field of waste management, is analyzed. The existing problems in the implementation of waste management activities by regional operators are identified. The analysis and grouping of data on the generation, processing, disposal, neutralization, disposal of production and consumption waste, submitted by Russian companies in the report on the 2-TP form by federal districts, as well as by the category “electronic waste”, was carried out. The structure of these wastes was also analyzed according to hazard class. The increase of the highly hazardous waste mass was found although their share decreased over the specified period. The results obtained made it possible to formulate the most important directions for reforming the system for issuing environmental permits, considering the principles of BAT. Further research will be directed to the formation of a waste management system for the electronics industry at the regional level.