High-throughput capillary array electrophoresis (CAE) instruments for DNA sequencing suffer to varying degrees from read length degradation associated with electrophoretic current decline and inhibition or delay in the arrival of fragments at the detector. This effect is known to be associated with residual amounts of large, slow-moving fragments of template or genomic DNA carried through from sample preparation and sequencing reactions. Here, we investigate the creation and expansion of an ionic depletion region induced by overloading the capillary with low-mobility DNA fragments, and the effect of growth of this region on electrophoresis run failure. Slow-moving fragments are analytically and experimentally shown to reduce the ionic concentration of the downstream electrolyte. With injection of large fragments beyond a threshold quantity, the anode-side boundary of the nascent depletion region begins to propagate toward the anode at a rate faster than the contaminant DNA migration. Under such conditions, the depletion region expands, the capillary current declines dramatically, and the electrophoresis run yields a short read length or fails completely.