Utilizing the homemade
reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer
(Re-TOFMS), here we report a comprehensive study of the reactivity
of aluminum clusters Al
±,0 with molecular benzene in the gas-phase flow tube reactor. During
the reactions with benzene, Al
+ clusters were found to be relatively more reactive than Al
0/–, and interestingly, the Al13
+ cluster exhibited more reaction product than
its neighboring Al
+ clusters.
With an emphasis on Al13
±,0 clusters, we
have performed an in-depth study utilizing DFT calculations to unravel
the diverse reactivity of aluminum clusters with benzene. It is revealed
that the Al13
+Bz cluster has a short Al–C
distance and high binding energy, as well as an enlarged HOMO–LUMO
gap in comparison with that of Al13
+. This contrasts
with Al13
0/– and Al15
+, of which the HOMO–LUMO gaps are reduced when the
cluster binds with a benzene molecule. Further, the cluster−π
interactions between aluminum clusters and benzene are fully demonstrated
via topological analysis, natural bonding orbital (NBO) analysis,
and noncovalent interaction plots based on independent gradient model
(IGM). The unique gyro-like structure of Al13
+ and cluster−π interaction induce uneven redistribution
of charges on the 13- atoms of Al13
+, enabling
a tight Al–C bond with strong electrostatic attraction and
orbital interactions, which largely differs from the weak orbital
overlap and electrostatic repulsion between benzene molecule and Al13
0/– clusters.