ElsevierBorràs-Ferrís, J.; Sánchez Tovar, R.; Blasco-Tamarit, E.; Fernández Domene, RM.; GarciaAnton, J. (2016). Effect of Reynolds number and lithium cation insertion on titanium anodization. Electrochimica Acta. 196:24-32. doi:10.1016Acta. 196:24-32. doi:10. /j.electacta.2016 Tel. and Re. The latter is due to the fact that the hydrodynamic conditions eliminate part of the initiation layer formed over the tube-tops, which is related to an increase of the photocurrent in the photoelectrochemical water splitting. Besides, the photogenerated electron-hole pairs are facilitated by Li + intercalation. Finally, this work confirms that there is a synergistic effect between Re and Li + intercalation.