Bed-scale spatial patterns in dolomite abundance: Part II. Effect of varied fluid chemistry, flow rate, precursor mineralogy, temperature, textural heterogeneity, nucleation density and bed geometry ABSTRACT Reaction-transport modelling shows that a lateral, metre-scale pattern in dolomite abundance can form during replacive dolomitization of calcite and aragonite precursors by Mississippian, Triassic and modern seawaters advecting at >20 cm year À1 in low temperature (≤60°C) hydrogeological systems. The modelled pattern develops best in beds >1 m thick with a relatively uniform nucleate density and a low variance in reactive surface area (for example, grainstones). These conditions suggest that a lateral pattern in dolomite abundance should be expected in dolomites formed by any shallow hydrodynamic system that advects dolomitizing fluid horizontally, including the down-gradient portion of a reflux system, the oceanward reaches of geothermal (Kohout) convection systems, and the seaward reaches of a seawater entrainment zone below a freshwater aquifer. However, even in those systems, a pattern will not form in all dolomites. Pattern will be muted in thinner (≤ ca 50 cm thick) beds and non-emergent where the precursor had a high variance in reactive surface area (for example, a skeletal wackestone) and/or large variation in nucleate density. Pattern also did not form at temperatures above ca 60°C, which implies that pattern should not be expected in dolomites formed at intermediate to deep burial depths. As the patterns are horizontal, they also should not be expected where dolomitizing fluids moved vertically (for example, reflux immediately below a brine source). Pattern metrics (short-range correlation length, and wavelength and amplitude of the longer cyclic component) vary with flow rate, fluid chemistry, bed thickness, porosity, grain size, temperature and the flow complexity (one-dimensional, two-dimensional or three-dimensional) within the bed. However, no modelled pattern produced metrics larger than those documented on dolomite outcrops. The results thus constrain the length scales of porosity and permeability variance to include in petrophysical models of dolomite reservoirs, as well as the geological scenarios in which to consider metre-scale lateral petrophysical variability.