Abundant barite ± fluorite ± quartz veins occur along the eastern margin of the Late Devonian Kinsac Pluton, a peraluminous granite that intruded metasedimentary rocks of the Meguma Group. The barite veins, striking 120° with vertical dip, occur in areas of strongly fractured granite, but the veins are not deformed and may contain lenses of comminuted granite. The veins (< 0.6 m wide) are dominated by coarse, cloudy white barite euhedra with or without a late infill of euhedral clear quartz and pink to dark purple fluorite. 40Ar/39Ar step-wise heating of a K-feldspar megacryst in granite immediately adjacent to a barite vein indicates a 354 Ma plateau age for the high-temperature gas fraction and a ca. 320 Ma age for the lowtemperature gas fraction. The younger age is interpreted to record partial resetting of K-feldspar due to interaction of the mineral with vein-forming fluids.Fluid inclusions (aqueous, L-V types) hosted by vein fluorite have homogenization temperatures of 100° to 130°C. Last melting o f ice indicates salinities of 24 to 28 wt. % equivalent NaCl, but low eutectic temperatures indicate that the fluids are mixed NaCl-CaCl2-FeCl2-MgCl2 brines. Although fluorite-hosted fluid inclusions from the South Mountain Batholith have similar salinities, they homogenize at temperatures of 150° to 160°C. Stable isotopic studies of vein minerals indicate 834Sbarite = +13 ± 2%o, 5 l8Oquartz = +22%oand 8D for fluid inclusion extracts are -123 to -165 %o. The data are interpreted to indicate that: (1) sulphur was derived from dissolution of Windsor Group evaporites rather than from sulphides in basement rocks; (2) the 5 l8Owater of the veins was +8 to +12 %o for 100° to 150°C, which is consistent with either a basinal or metamorphic fluid; (3) the fluids interacted with organic matter to generate the low 8D values. Measured 87Sr/86Sr on barite (0.7120; n=2) and fluorite (0.7086) indicate that the fluids exchanged with a radiogenic source, either the Horton Group or the Meguma Group being the most likely reservoir.Collectively the data indicate vein formation during the Early Carboniferous, when the study area was buried under ca. 2-3 km of Carboniferous strata which have subsequently been eroded. Basinal-type fluids were focused into zones of extension which opened as a result of high Pfluld, in concert with sinistral movement on NW-trending faults that crosscut the Meguma Terrane.On trouve une abondance de filons de barytine ± fluorite ± quartz le long de la marge orientale du pluton du Devonien superieur de Kinsac, granite hyperalumineux qui s'est introduit dans des roches metasedimentaires du groupe de Meguma. Les filons de barytine, orientes selon un pendage vertical de 120°, se trouvent dans des zones de granite fortement fracturees, mais ils ne sont pas deformes et ils pourraient renfermer des lentilles de granite fragments. Les filons (< 0,6 m) sont domines par la presence de barytine automorphe blanc trouble, grossiere, avec ou sans remplissage tardif de quartz transparent automorphe et de fluorite rose a...