Changes in the water relations parameters of developing somatic embryogenic and xygotic European larch (Larix decidua) were studied. Water release curves were generated by suspending tissue samples over unsaturated NaCI solutions until they reached vapor equilibration with the surrounding air. Twenty solutions were used whose water potentials ranged from -0.05 to -10 MPa. Water release curves were obtained by plotting paired values of tissue relative water content (RWC) and solution potential. Curves were derived for embryonic larch at various stages of development and for hypocotyls and roots from germinated zygotic and somatic embryos. The ability to resist dehydration increased markedly with development. Stage 1 tissue, which consisted of clusters of loosely associated nonchlorophyllous cells, had extremely low bulk elastic modulus (e) (1.91 MPa) and apoplastic water content (A) (0.023), relatively high osmotic potential (war) , and lost turgor at 0.56 RWC. In contrast, mature embryoids with primary roots, hypocotyl, and cotyledons (stage 3) had an almost 4-fold increase in A (0.089), significantly higher (3.49 MPa), and lower *,I (-0.88 MPa) and lost turgor at 0.66 RWC. Hypocotyl tissue from germinated somatic embryos lost turgor at 0.74 RWC and had higher E, A, and solute accumulation than pregerminated tissue. Hypocotyl tissue resisted dehydration more strongly than root tissue, and differences between root and hypocotyl water relation parameters were more pronounced in xygotic than in somatic seedlings. Highest dehydration resistance was in zygotic hypocotyls. The characterization of the water relations of tissue cultures should allow the development of more consistent and reliable desiccation protocols to induce maturation of embryos and produce synchronously germinating seed.Cultured cells are usually characterized by their morphological, ultrastructural, and biochemical traits. Generally, their physiological characteristics, in particular their water relations, receive much less attention (29) in spite of the obvious influence that the culture media must have on tissue water potential.Cultured cells are typically grown in a medium with a low *,, resulting from high concentrations of salts, organic nitrogen sources, and sugars. These potentials, which are lower than those encountered by roots in soil, may be critical in determining cell growth and differentiation. To date, few l Abbreviations: T,, osmotic potential; c, bulk elastic modules; A, apoplastic water content; I, water potential; RWC, relative water content.