Methylation, periodate oxidation and partial hydrolysis studies on the capsular polysaccharide, and on the carboxyl reduced polymer of Klebsiella K5 show the structure to consist of a repeating unit:The polysaccharide has a molecular weight (by gel filtration) of 9 x loS and is the first Klebsiella capsule to be found lacking a carbohydrate side chain. The proportion of 0-acetyl and pyruvate groups was determined by p.m.r. spectroscopy.Les mithodes de methylation, oxydation periodique, et hydrolyse partielle portees au polysaccharide capsulaire, et au polymkre avec le groupe carboxyle reduit, de Klebsiella K5 ont demontri que la structure se compose d'une unite qui se rCpCte.Le polyoside posskde un poids molCculaire (par chromatographie sur gel) de 9 x lo5 et cette capsule de Klebsiella est la premiere d'etre trouvee sans une chaine laterale de sucre. Le rapport entre les groupes 0-acityles, pyruviques et sucres a kt6 dose par spectroscopie r.m.n.Can. J. Chem., 51. 1826 (1973) Bacteria of the genus Klebsiella elaborate a capsular polysaccharide which is antigenic. Approxiinately 80 different serotypes are recognized and Nimmich (1, 2) has provided qualitative analyses of these capsular materials. In continuation of our studies (3,4) on the structure of these polysaccharides we now report on the capsule from Klebsiella K-type 5. This polysaccharide differs from those previously described in this genus by lacking any carbohydrate side chain. The polysaccharide is also unusual in affording the first example of a 4,6-0-(1-carboxyethy1idene)-D-mannose unit in a natural product. This aspect of the structure has been discussed briefly (5).The crude polysaccharide from Klebsiella K5 (E5051) was extremely viscous and it was convenient to purify the material by centrifugation and precipitation with Cetavlon only in small batches. Purified material migrated as a single band on electrophoresis on cellulose acetate and had [a], -45.2", an equivalent weight of 233, and a n~olecular weight, by gel filtration, of 9 x 10'. Acid hydrolysis of the polysaccharide gave D-glucose, D-mannose, D-gl~icurone, and acidic components. The first two compounds were identified as their crystalline alditol hexaacetates and found to be Dresent in the ratio of 3: 5. When a portion of the hydrolyzate was saponified to hydrolyze any lactone, reduced, rehydrolyzed, and processed to avoid contamination of the neutral sugars by lactones, D-glucose and D-mannose were found in the ratio of 1 : 1. In the case of a sample of the polysaccharide which was methanolyzed, the uronic ester was reduced and the product was hydrolyzed to give D-glucose and D-mannose in the ratio of 2: 1.The glucose and mannose were shown to be of D-configuration by the circular dichroism (c. For personal use only.