DOI: 10.1016/j.cellbi.2007.12.006
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Formation of membrane‐bound inclusions and their associations with cytoplasmic channels in early prophase male meiocytes of Althaea rosea (L.) Cavan

Abstract: To characterize the cytoplasmic structure reorganization during plant meiosis, the male meiocytes of Althaea rosea (L.) Cavan were examined under the combination of light and electron microscopy. Light microscopic observation of the toluidine blue-stained thick resin sections of young anthers revealed that the meiocytes of sporogenous cell stage were extremely voluminous and variable in shape and division plane. The cell walls (CWs) between some meiocytes were discontinuous at one or several site(s). These dis… Show more

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Cited by 3 publications
(3 citation statements)
References 31 publications
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“…MBI-like compartments have been reported in PMCs of lily (Dickinson and Andrews 1977), tobacco (Rashid et al 1982), and Althara rosea (Luo et al 2008), and the coleoptile of etiolated wheat seedlings (Zamyatnina et al 2003). However, in these MBIlike compartments, plastid and/or mitochondria were observed, but vacuoles and nucleus were not.…”
Section: Subcellular Characteristics Of the Acs And Pmcs In The Ms Linementioning
confidence: 96%
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“…MBI-like compartments have been reported in PMCs of lily (Dickinson and Andrews 1977), tobacco (Rashid et al 1982), and Althara rosea (Luo et al 2008), and the coleoptile of etiolated wheat seedlings (Zamyatnina et al 2003). However, in these MBIlike compartments, plastid and/or mitochondria were observed, but vacuoles and nucleus were not.…”
Section: Subcellular Characteristics Of the Acs And Pmcs In The Ms Linementioning
confidence: 96%
“…d-f Some CCs are crossed by plastid. Bar 200 nm for all images Euphytica (2009) 170:263-274 271 function in carrying reserves necessary for postmeiosis (Dickinson and Andrews 1977), and in eliminating macromolecules associated with sporophyte development (Rashid et al 1982) or the heterogeneity of PMC cytoplasm (Luo et al 2008). MVBs, also known as multivesicular endosomes (Marcote et al 2000), are small spherical organelles with internal vesicles, and are suggested to serve as intermediate protein sorting and processing compartments between the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and either lytic vacuoles (lysosomes) or storage vacuoles (Jurgens 2004).…”
Section: Subcellular Characteristics Of the Acs And Pmcs In The Ms Linementioning
confidence: 99%
“…As a rule, cytomixis is observed in the male meiosis; this process has been so far described in hundreds of plant species (Silkova et al 2011;Kumar et al 2013;Gupta et al 2014;Malik et al 2017). As has been shown, the nuclei migrate between cells through special cytomictic channels (CCs), formed from plasmodesmata (Wang et al 2002(Wang et al , 2004Wang et al 2006;Luo et al 2008). Most frequently, only part of the nucleus migrates between cells, giving rise to the meiocytes carrying micronuclei (Sidorchuk et al 2007a(Sidorchuk et al , 2016Mursalimov and Deineko 2012); however, the whole nucleus also can pass to another cell, producing binucleate meiocytes (Singhal and Kumar 2008;Tsvetova and Elkonin 2013;Sidorchuk et al 2016).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 96%