In polyglutamine diseases such as X-linked spinobulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), it is unknown whether the toxic form of the protein is an insoluble or soluble aggregate or a monomer. We have addressed this question by studying a full-length androgen receptor (AR) mouse model of SBMA. We used biochemistry and atomic force microscopy to immunopurify oligomers soluble after ultracentrifugation that are comprised of a single ϳ50-kDa N-terminal polyglutamine-containing AR fragment. AR oligomers appeared several weeks prior to symptom onset, were distinct and temporally dissociated from intranuclear inclusions, and disappeared rapidly after castration, which halts disease. This is the first demonstration of soluble AR oligomers in vivo and suggests that they underlie neurodegeneration in SBMA.Polyglutamine diseases such as X-linked spinobulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) 2 derive from CAG codon repeats that exceed a crucial length. This creates elongated polyglutamine tracts in affected proteins and progressive neurologic dysfunction and neurodegeneration (1). SBMA results from expanded glutamine repeats in the N terminus of the androgen receptor (AR) protein (2, 3). It is characterized by slowly progressive lower motor neuron degeneration and mild sensory neuronopathy that predominates in males (4, 5) due to exposure to androgens (6, 7). Large intracellular inclusions containing AR are observed throughout the body and may be localized in the cytoplasm or nucleus, whereas large intranuclear inclusions accumulate preferentially in motor neurons (8 -10). Pathologically expanded polyglutamine protein fragments are clearly prone to misfolding and aggregation in vitro that respects the tight length-dependent disease threshold seen in vivo (11,12). Thus, protein misfolding and/or aggregation are very likely to underlie pathogenesis of SBMA and other polyglutamine diseases. In many experimental systems, however, large intracellular inclusions can be dissociated from neuronal toxicity, indicating that these structures are probably not the primary pathologic species (13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19).If large inclusions are not pathogenic, what then is the toxic species? Most cellular and animal studies indicate that expanded proteins either exist as monomers or accumulate as large macromolecular complexes that are unable to enter an SDS-polyacrylamide gel (20 -23). However, in vitro studies indicate clearly that polyglutamine proteins, like other amyloidogenic proteins, can form small, ordered oligomers (11, 24 -27), and the existence of toxic, submicroscopic aggregates or oligomers has been invoked as a cause of polyglutamine toxicity in vivo (27,28). The operative definition of such species has varied. We define oligomers here as submacromolecular structures (i.e. soluble after high speed centrifugation) comprised of ordered polyglutamine aggregates. As previously proposed by Taylor et al. (28), we contrast protein oligomers, which are defined primarily via biochemistry, from intracellular inclusions, which are defined via histopath...