Spilled oil slicks are likely to break into droplets
in the subtidal
and intertidal zones of seashores due to wave energy. The nonliving
suspended fine particles in coastal ecosystems can interact with the
dispersed oil droplets, resulting in the formation of Oil Particle
Aggregates (OPAs). Many investigations assumed that these aggregates
will settle due to the particles’ high density. Recent studies,
however, reported that some particles penetrate the oil droplets,
which results in further breakup while forming smaller OPAs that remain
suspended in the water column. Here, we investigated the interaction
of crude oil droplets with intertidal and subtidal sediments, as well
as artificial pure kaolinite, in natural seawater. Results showed
that the interaction between oil droplets and intertidal sediments
was not particularly stable, with an Oil Trapping Efficiency (OTE)
< 25%. When using subtidal sediments, OTE reached 56%. With artificial
kaolinite, OPA formation and breakup were more significant (OTE reaching
up to 67%) and occurred faster (within 12 h). Oil chemistry analysis
showed that the biodegradation of oil in seawater (half-life of 485
h) was significantly enhanced with the addition of sediments, with
half-lives of 305, 265, and 150 h when adding intertidal sediments,
subtidal sediments, and pure kaolinite, respectively. Such results
reveal how the sediments’ shape and size affect the various
oil–sediment interaction mechanisms, and the subsequent impact
on the microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. Future studies
should consider investigating the application of fine (several microns)
and sharp (elongated-sheeted) sediments as a nondestructive and nontoxic
technique for dispersing marine oil spills.