Lilley and Nyqvist Reply: The preceding comment [1] makes an attempt to criticize the work in [2]. The claims are that (i) "there are no plateau-specific linear collisionless instabilities," and (ii) "dissipative destabilization of edge modes is not universal to HC formation." It is noteworthy that the latter contention relies on merely a thought experiment that we will show, below, to be erroneous.Starting with (i), the argument is based on the assertion that the dispersion relation in [2] is missing a term, denoted σðωÞ. Deciphering the notation reveals, however, that σ is identically zero for the modes discussed in [2] (which all have jw r j < 1). This is, indeed, as it should be, since σ represents the contribution from the Landau pole, which vanishes for modes with phase velocities inside a flat plateau. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we agree that, in the vanishing-plateau limit, one should recover the bumpon-tail instability. Indeed, the dispersion relation in [2] predicts an instability with δω ¼ iγ L as Δv, γ d → 0. For a finite-sized plateau, however, the frequency and growth rate do depend on the shelf width. Whether or not to regard this as "plateau specific" must surely be inconsequential for the behavior of the system.Proceeding to (ii), simulations of the advocated setup show that the plateau distribution remains intact for very long times (Fig. 1) and is not "impregnated with holes… and clumps" just outside the plateau edge, as claimed in [1].The corresponding spectrogram and wave amplitude (Fig. 2) further confirm that there are no frequency-shifted fluctuations. There is only a transient central signal, caused by finite numerical resolution, and its amplitude is almost 3 orders of magnitude below that known from previous holeclump theory [3,4]. Now, contrast this with the evolution of the same plateau when γ d > 0. In Fig. 3, a series of zoomed-in phase space snapshots of the upper plateau edge clearly show that a mode grows at the phase velocity predicted by the dispersion relation in [2] (indicated by the black line) and eventually evolves into a phase space hole whose amplitude matches well the results in [3,4].