In the course of the work, the process of forming reflective shells and finding the position of grid elements after deformation was investigated. Fixation of the mesh nodes by the method of electric arc spraying. After that, a composite material such as polystyrene is applied to form reflective shells. The result of the work is the formation of the antenna array shell by electric arc spraying and the application of the composite material. Schematic of the mirror structure: spherical and cylindrical shells docked with a ring. The shell for the ring is a kind of elastic base that prevents its movement. The effect of the shell when considering the motion of the ring under the action of pulse pressure is taken into account by introducing contact forces of interaction, which are determined when solving the corresponding contact problems of the mating. The assessment of the stiffness-strength characteristics of antennas of solid and reinforced structures is graphically presented, and their stress-strain state is calculated under the action of wind load and gravity. The presented research examines offset antennas with the aim of unlocking their potential and improving their application in modern radio engineering systems. In the context of constant technological development and the growing need for communication, offset antennas are coming to the fore as an effective and innovative solution. The paper deals with the problem of local stability under load. It is important to study the corresponding problems under the influence of an edge dynamic load arising from vibrations of the antenna mirror and transmitted from the base. The dynamic stability of a mirror as a spherical segment bonded to a ring is investigated. For the sake of consistency, we assume that a cylindrical shell of finite length is attached to this ring (the case when the antenna mirror is made in the form of only one spherical shell will be treated as a special case). The presence of a cylindrical shell is associated with a design solution to protect the antenna from external influences, such as an incoming flow. The motion that occurs after the application of the pulse consists of axisymmetric vibrations and bending vibrations associated with the inevitable deviations of the pulse from a uniform one.