The maintenance requirement(s) exhibited by Bacillus sphaericus 1593M was clearly established from the data on the steady state continuous cultures wherein the growth yield was found to be increasing with increase in dilution rate (4). In the present study we have attempted to estimate the maintenance coef®cient of B. sphaericus 1593M by achieving zero growth rate in a total cell retention culture (TCRC). Zero growth rate was achieved at a cell density of 5.57 g l A1 which remained constant reecting a steady state in the TCRC. Based on the substratē ux calculations, maintenance coef®cient was found to be 0.087 h A1 . Further, using this data of maintenance coef®-cient, steady state cell density and substrate pro®les in continuous cultures of B. sphaericus 1593M were predicted by simulation, which showed a close relationship to that of the experimental data.