The study explores the problem of developing systems thinking as a key competence of sustainable development. The need for the development of systems thinking of citizens in solving the global problems of the modern world is substantiated, and the relevance of systematic and complex approaches in the implementation of the goals of sustainable development is analyzed.
A scientific review of the main approaches to defining the concept of "systems thinking" was conducted. In the context of the research problem, systems thinking is defined as the ability to analyze and understand the complex interrelationships among various aspects of the problem (ecological, social, economic), and the ability to develop strategies to achieve sustainable development of society.
The role of university education in the development of systems thinking of higher education students is considered. The technologies and methods of development of systems thinking of future teachers are determined and characterized. The analyzed elements were the role of the case method, project activities, problem-based learning, graphic games, and discussions in the formation of future teachers' ability to understand the complexity and dynamics of natural, social and economic systems, to perceive and recognize each object as a system, to identify its composition, structure and organization; the ability to reveal patterns in the development of interconnected components and establish internal and external links of systems; skills to design new systems taking into account the interrelationships between elements and the general principles of the system approach.
It was established that the indicator of the effectiveness of the use of these technologies is the development of systems thinking as a personal quality of students of higher education, as well as the forming of future teachers' ability to use these methods for the development of systems thinking in students. Observation of the educational process showed that the use of the suggested methods in working with students helps in developing of systems thinking, improves communication, stimulates activeness, promotes conducting constructive dialogues, emotional and behavioral flexibility during discussion and solving diverse issues in the interests of sustainable development of society.
The conclusions of the article will contribute to the support of initiatives aimed at increasing the level of systems thinking among young people in order to ensure the sustainable development of nations and global citizenship.