present a cell-free assay for rapid screening of candidate inhibitors
of protein binding, focusing on inhibition of the interaction between
the SARS-CoV-2 Spike receptor binding domain (RBD) and human angiotensin-converting
enzyme 2 (hACE2). The assay has two components: fluorescent polystyrene
particles covalently coated with RBD, termed virion-particles (v-particles),
and fluorescently labeled hACE2 (hACE2F) that binds the v-particles.
When incubated with an inhibitor, v-particle–hACE2F binding
is diminished, resulting in a reduction in the fluorescent signal
of bound hACE2F relative to the noninhibitor control, which can be
measured via flow cytometry or fluorescence microscopy. We determine
the amount of RBD needed for v-particle preparation, v-particle incubation
time with hACE2F, hACE2F detection limit, and specificity of v-particle
binding to hACE2F. We measure the dose response of the v-particles
to known inhibitors. Finally, utilizing an RNA-binding protein tdPP7
incorporated into hACE2F, we demonstrate that RNA-hACE2F granules
trap v-particles effectively, providing a basis for potential RNA-hACE2F