This paper reviews the use of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for sulfur analyses, covering articles published between January 2015 and April 2023. The ICP-MS instruments reported in the articles were classified as quadrupole ICP-MS, tandem quadrupole ICP-MS, high resolution ICP-MS, and multi-collector ICP-MS, each accounting for over 20% of the articles. Each type of ICP-MS instrument achieved detection limits < 1.0 ng/g. Laser ablation and chromatography hyphenated ICP-MS accounted for > 30% of the articles, with special attention paid to direct/imaging and speciation analyses. The leading research field in sulfur analysis is geology, followed by biology, environment, food/feed, and energy. Determination of sulfur concentrations, chemical speciation analysis of sulfur compounds, and sulfur isotope analysis accounted for approximately 30-40% of the articles. The most frequently measured sulfur isotope was 32 S, followed by 34 S and 33 S, whereas one article reported the measurement of 36 S. Selected topics of sulfur analysis using ICP-MS in research fields, hyphenated instruments, and typical applications are also