Currently, there is of today, there is practically no information about the current state and land use of coastal protection strips (CPS) and water protection zones in the Stryi river basin. This creates many misunderstandings and abuses during their use and leads to intensive degradation of the ecosystem of both this and other rivers of the Dniester basin into which it flows. Using the Google Earth Pro program, an assessment of the CPS structure in the Stryi River basin was carried out by comparing space images for the past 14 years. The analysis showed that illegal construction within the CPS of the river began after 2009, which creates the danger of possible inundation during floods and the development of erosion processes. This is also a threat to the hydroecosystem of the Stryi River, due to the settlement load on the floodplain, as well as non-compliance with sanitary standards and clogging with household waste.