Surface cladding utilizes a high energy input to deposit a layer on substrate surfaces providing protection against wear and corrosion. In this work, TiC particulates were incorporated by meltingsingle tracksin powder preplaced onto AISI 4340 low alloy steel surfaces using a Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) torch with a range of processing conditions. The effects of energy input and powder content on the melt geometry, microstructure and hardness were investigated. The highest energy input (1680 J/mm) under theTIG torchproduced deeper (1.0 mm) and wider melt pools, associated with increased dilution, compared to that processed at the lowest energy (1008 J/mm). The melt microstructure contained partially meltedTiC particulatesassociated with dendritic, cubic and globular typecarbidesprecipitated upon solidification of TiC dissolved in the melt; TiC accumulated more near to the melt-matrix interface and at the track edges. Addition of 0.4, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/mm2TiC gave hardness values in the resolidified melt pools between 750 to over 1100Hv, against a base hardness of 300 Hv; hardness values are higher in tracks processed with a greater TiC addition and reduced energy input.