An investigation was carried out to find the workability behaviour of a Cu-TiB2 composite under triaxial stress-state conditions. Initially, the TiB2 powder was prepared by using a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) technique and the same was added to a Cu matrix in order to make Cu-TiB2 composites. Cylindrical preforms with three different TiB2 weight percentages (2 %, 4 % and 6 %) with aspect ratios of 0.50, 0.75 and 1 were prepared using a uniaxial load. Then the preforms were pressureless sintered in a tubular furnace with a continuous flow of pure argon gas at 950°C for a period of 1 h. The cold upsetting test was carried out on the sintered specimens. The relationships between the various stresses, strains and the relative density were determined. The results for the various stress-ratio parameters, namely (sq/seff) and (sm/seff), the formability stress index (bs) under triaxial stress-state conditions were systematically analysed. The formability stress index was found to increase with the increase in preform fractional density and it decreased with the aspect ratios. This was because the preform contains more pores and the porous bed height is high. A statistical fitting method was performed on the curve drawn between the axial strain and the stress-formability index. The compacts with a higher value of the aspect ratio and the initial preform density showed a very high fracture strain. Keywords: SHS, powder metallurgy, TiB 2 , workability, relative density, fracture strain Izvr{ena je bila preiskava preoblikovalnosti Cu-TiB2 kompozita pri triosnem napetostnem stanju. Najprej je bil pripravljen prah TiB2; s pomo~jo napredujo~e visoko temperaturne sinteze (SHS), ki je bil dodan Cu osnovi, da bi napravili Cu-TiB2 kompozit. Z enoosnim stiskanjem so bili pripravljeni vzorci cilindri~ne oblike s tremi razli~nimi vsebnostmi TiB2 v masnih dele`ih (2 %, 4 % and 6 %) in z razmerjem 0,50, 0,75 in 1. Nato so bile predoblike sintrane v cevasti pe~i pri kontinuirnem pretoku~istega argona na temperaturi 950°C in trajanju 1 h. Kovni preizkus v hladnem je bil izveden na sintranih vzorcih. Ugotovljena je bila odvisnost med razli~nimi napetostmi, raztezki in relativne gostote. Sistemati~no so bili analizirani rezultati razli~nih parametrov (sq/seff) in (sm/seff) ter indeks preoblikovalnih napetosti (bs) pri triosnem napetostnem stanju. Ugotovljeno je, da indeks preoblikovalne napetosti nara{~a z nara{~anjem gostote predoblike in se zmanj{uje z razmerjem {irina-vi{ina. Razlog za to je ve~je {tevilo por v predobliki in zato je vi{ina poroznega vzorca vi{ja. Izvedena je bila tudi statisti~na obdelava krivulje, narisane med osno napetostjo in indeksom preoblikovalne napetosti. Stiskanci z vi{jo vrednostjo razmerja med {irino in vi{ino ter ve~jo gostoto predoblike, so pokazali veliko napetost pri poru{itvi. Klju~ne besede: SHS, metalurgija prahov, TiB2, preoblikovalnost, relativna gostota, napetost pri poru{itvi