Laser processing is flexible with many parameters such as wavelength, pulse duration, and pulse energy. Today, these parameters are optimized by human experience and intuition. To meet the mass customization need in the coming super smart society or Society 5.0, we want to replace them with approaches driven by data, artificial intelligence (AI), and science & theory that highly integrate cyberspace and physical space (CPS). To promote smart production, we develop CPS laser manufacturing capable of proposing the optimal processing parameters the optimal processing parameters based on simulation in cyberspace. Understanding laser processing belongs to multiscale and multidisciplinary cutting-edge science. For example, how atoms, molecules, and materials behave under intense laser irradiation is at the forefront of atomic, molecular, optical, condensed matter, and high energy density physics, involving highly nonlinear, dynamical processes. One of our focuses is to understand and simulate such strong laser matter interaction by combining different techniques, including AI and even starting from the first principles of quantum mechanics. We build a nationwide STELLA network of about 100 researchers including both theoreticians and experimentalists, the latter who develop cutting-edge data collection and operando measurement techniques.