HmuO, a heme oxygenase of Corynebacterium diphtheriae, catalyzes degradation of heme using the same mechanism as the mammalian enzyme. The oxy form of HmuO, the precursor of the catalytically active ferric hydroperoxo species, has been characterized by ligand binding kinetics, resonance Raman spectroscopy, and x-ray crystallography. The oxygen association and dissociation rate constants are 5 M ؊1 s ؊1 and 0.22 s ؊1 , respectively, yielding an O 2 affinity of 21 M ؊1 , which is ϳ20 times greater than that of mammalian myoglobins. However, the affinity of HmuO for CO is only 3-4-fold greater than that for mammalian myoglobins, implying the presence of strong hydrogen bonding interactions in the distal pocket of