The oxidation of lead sulfate deposited on the electrode by the discharge of ~-PbO2, which was electrodeposited onto the gold planar plate, was studied by the observation of the surface, the cross section, and the interface between the gold substrate and the oxidized film with a scanning electron microscope. The conversion of lead sulfate film to lead dioxide in-voIved three processes: (i) the formation of the thin lead dioxide layer at the interface between lead sulfate and the gold plate; (ii) the two-dimensional growth of the thick lead dioxide layer at the inner part of lead sulfate film; and (iii) the oxidation of lead sulfate near the interface between lead sulfate and a sulfuric acid solution.) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-05-29 to IP
ABSTRACTThe LiC1 film formed on lithium in LiA1C14-SOC12 was examined in a scanning electron microscope. The effects of Fe and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) on the film thickness and morphology were studied and correlated to voltage delay in batteries. The PVC additive decreases the effective film thickness, changes its crystal morphology, and improves voltage delay. Contamination with Fe increases the film thickness and increases the voltage recovery time. When PVC and Fe are present, PVC partially masks the effect of Fe contamination, decreasing the film thickness and improving voltage delay.