Purpose:The aim was to measure the real-time trans-mission effect of blood-pressure and blood-glucose value based on u-healthcare for saving the time and effort of nursing recording time. Methods: This study used a u-healthcare system based on the international standards for the exchange of health information. In order to verify the effectiveness of the u-healthcare, a clinical trial for the system regarding blood-pressure and blood-glucose targeting of patients with endocrine disorders at KNUH from February 7 to 9, 2012 was performed. Results: According to the analyzed results, of the 86 times the 11 patients were tested, measuring blood-pressure and blood-glucose using the u-healthcare system, we found the time differences between the real-time transfer recording method and existing hospital records that were used in the hospital. Based on the average time interval, there was a difference of 1,090.45 seconds (18.17 minutes). Conclusion: Therefore, it' s cumbersome that nurses in the hospital have to record the numerical values of the measured blood-pressure and blood-glucose manually and input the recorded values directly into the electronic nursing record system. However, it was found in terms of the newly designed system, that it could save time and effort for nurses, since measured information is sent to the hospital information system on a real-time basis.