This peper was prepered for presentation at the Weetern Regional Meeting held in Bakarefield, CA, U.S.A., 8-10 Memh 1SS5.
This paper wee aeiacted for presentation by an SPE Program Commhfee following review of information mnfainad in an abatracl aubmiffed by the author(e). Confenta of the peper, se praeent6d, have not bean reviewed by the Bodety of Petreleum Engineers and ere subject to correction by the author(s). The matariaf, se presented, does not iWC4%3filY reflect
MY -it~of the *iefyOf peROleum Engi~re, its Offlcem, or memh.PaPare presented at SWmaatingaare subjectto publication reviewby Editorial Cammitfaea of the Society of Patm!aum Engineers. Permission to cqy is restricted to en abafmcf of not mere then SW words, Illustrations mey not be oopied. The abefmot should contain conapiououe aoknowladgmant of where and by whom the paper ie presented. Write Librerian, SPE,