Inclusive education is an important part of the general humanitarian attitude to create equal living conditions and self-realization of various members of society. It is important to diversify approaches to inclusive pedagogy. In particular, the need to take into account age differences in the education of children with disabilities, the need to distinguish inclusive tactics depending on the level of education, the requirement to systematize approaches to inclusive pedagogy from its first structural link and to potentially vocational education. In the system of inclusive education, the primary school occupies a prominent place as the first compulsory educational institution. Aim. The purpose of the article is to consider and analyze current trends in inclusive education in primary school. Methods and instruments. The main research methods are the analysis of the regulatory framework (international policy documents), processing of statistical data, study and generalization of recent publications on the topic with an emphasis on the experience of the leading European countries. Results and conclusion. It is established that the main trends in the development of inclusion at the primary school level are: a) shifting away from specialized schools and classes in favor of increasing inclusive classes; b) finding ways to overcome the inequality of funding for inclusive education in European countries and the inequality of the allocation of the budget that is allocated to the financing of inclusive education ( primary schools); c) active support of inclusive education by the world community, development of basic international documents and programs in order to standardize theoretical, practical and technical approaches to inclusion in primary school; d) finding opportunities to engage in inclusive practices for skilled people with disabilities; e) search for methods of overcoming social and psychological barriers to inclusive education of primary school children; f) a structured approach to inclusive education in primary school; g) development of a single mechanism for initiating inclusive education and monitoring the implementation of the recommendation on inclusive education, determining its effectiveness.Perspectives. Further attention to the trends of inclusive education is quite relevant.We have to understand the current and future vectors of inclusive education in the world. Nowadays, inclusive education becomes a trend and a prerequisite for ensuring the principle of parity in the humanities, ensuring equal conditions for human development.