Phone: +1-403-210-3508, Fax: +1-403-252-5870, Email: messiermcal . t r l a b s . ca, wakmee. ualberta. ca Abstmct-The channel code decoder in a CDMA mobile not accounted for the non-stationary in-cell interference performs channel state estimation to determine the reli-that occuTs on a CDMA fonvard link using concatenated WalshjPN sequence spreading. CDMA forward link chan-ability of each received encoded symbol. This reliability information is typically an estimate of received signal envelope and interference pius noise miance. Most papers t h t ne1 code performance studies often assume a stationary in-
investigate CDMA forward link c h -d code Perform--
terference and noise process [3], [4]. Channel code studiesassume that all interference and noise can be modeled as a that do consider non-stationary CDMA interference have single, stationary Gaussian process. This assumption leads to inaccurate state since i n -e e~~ interfer-only considered the self-interference experienced by a sinence is non-stationary on the CDMA forward link. This ele multi-code CDMA user or the interference on a flat ferenee. Simulations are used to illustrate how this scheme improves convolutional and turbo code performance.