Duringreservoirm odelbuilding, onee ncounters severals tagesw hereupscalingor averagingof petrophysicaldatai sr equired;coreplugd atah aveto be compared to wirelinemeasurements andwireline measurementsareaveraged to the scaleofbuilding-sizereservoirgrid cells. Simpleaveragingdoesnot,inmost cases,giverepresentativevalues,since the property inquestion isvery scale-dependent. Thisisespecially true for permeability andpermeability anisotropy( k v / k h ).For the caseofareservoirm odelo fthe Garn Formation (MiddleJ urassic)int he Tyrihans Field, asimple geologically based upscalingmethodi ncludingthe useofthe SBEDe softwarepackage hasbeendeveloped. Small-scalemodels ofnearw ell-boreg eologyareupscaled usingsingle-phasefl ow simulation to obtain directional-dependent permeabilitiesfor faciesw ithd ifferent mudc ontents andstyle.The resulting k v / k h estimation curvehasbeenimplemented inthe reservoirmodelbymodelling V shale asacontinuous parameterand applyingthe function to deriveupscaled horizontalandverticalp ermeability grids. Upscaled permeabilities werefoundto closely match the well test data.Thisapproach givesamorerealistic k v / k h ratiot hant raditionalm ethodsinvolvingsimplea veraging, or arbitrary guesses,ofverticalpermeability.