“…Analysis of the RAG1 data set used fossil calibrations across the Iguania to estimate the divergence between D. nobbi and D. sp. nov. Fossil calibrations included four fossils used in previously published studies: a middle Jurasic acrodont iguanian fossil (154-180 mya, Evans et al, 2002), an early Miocene sceloporine (,22.8 mya , Robinson and Van Devender, 1973) and an Chamaeleo/Rhampholeon fossil (18 mya, Rieppel et al, 1992), and a Pliocene Phrynocephalus fossil (5 mya, Zerova and Chkhikvadze, 1984). Specific BEAST settings for these calibrations are as per table 1 in Melville et al (2009).…”