The fossil record demonstrates that mammals re-entered the marine realm on at least seven separate occasions. Five of these clades are still extant, whereas two are extinct. This review presents a brief introduction to the phylogeny of each group of marine mammals, based on the latest studies using both morphological and molecular data. Evolutionary highlights are presented, focusing on changes affecting the sensory systems, locomotion, breathing, feeding, and reproduction in Cetacea, Sirenia, Desmostylia, and Pinnipedia. Aquatic adaptations are specifically cited, supported by data from morphological and geochemical studies. For example, analysis of oxygen isotopes incorporated into fossil tooth enamel indicates whether these mammals foraged in (and, therefore, ingested) fresh water or sea water. Comparisons between groups are made to see if there are any common patterns, particularly relating to adaptations to aquatic life. Results show that aquatic characteristics evolved in mosaic patterns and that different morphological solutions to aquatic conditions were achieved separately in each of these groups. Changes in the axial and appendicular skeleton assist with locomotion for aquatic foraging. Nostril and eye placement modifications accommodate wading versus underwater foraging needs. All groups exhibit aquatic adaptations directly related to feeding, particularly changes in the dentition and rostrum. The earliest representatives of these clades all show morphological features that indicate they were feeding while in the water, suggesting that feeding ecology is a key factor in the evolution of marine mammals.Anat Rec 290:514-522, 2007.2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Key words: cetacea; sirenia; pinnipedia; carnirora; desmostylia; feeding ecology; aquatic adaptation A recurrent theme in tetrapod evolution is a return to an aquatic habitat. Whereas amphibians never quite parted with the water, all other tetrapod groups (reptiles, birds, and mammals) have several representatives that have returned to the water for at least an amphibious lifestyle of some degree, if not a fully aquatic existence. Mammals in particular have returned to the water in at least seven separate lineages (Cetacea, Sirenia, Desmostylia, Pinnipedia, Ursus maritimus [polar bear], Enhydra lutris [sea otter], and Thalassocnus spp. [aquatic sloths]). Some of these lineages have retained most of their terrestrial form while spending a great deal of time in the water, whereas others have changed their morphology dramatically and spend almost all, if not all, of their time in the water.Before exploring how the anatomical changes for life in water came about, one must know how marine mammals are related to one another, and particularly to their terrestrial relatives. A brief introduction to the phylogeny of each group of marine mammals is presented here, based on the latest studies using both morphological and molecular data.
CETACEAN PHYLOGENYThe relationships of cetaceans to terrestrial mammals and other marine mammals was a great mystery for many