“…However, the relationship between foster care families and birth families and the factors influencing the quality of this relationship have not been widely documented. Nevertheless, this relationship has a direct effect on a child in placement who, in many cases, is attached to both families (Andersson, ; Baker, Mehta, & Chong, ; Leathers, ; Linares, Rhodes, & Montalto, ; Schofield & Beek, ). It also has an effect on the child's stability, because conflicts between the two families jeopardize the quality of the placement and can eventually result in the child being moved elsewhere (Austerberry et al, ; Kalland & Sinkkonen, ; Triseliotis, Borland, & Hill, ; Vanschoonlandt, Vanderfaeillie, Van Holen, De Maeyer, & Andries, ).…”